
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Ojax++ VRE

A new Virtual Research Environment (VRE) tool called Ojax++ was recently launched to the global e-research community that allows scholars to get the most from popular web-based applications. Funded by Science Foundation Ireland, under the direction of Dr Judith Wusteman at the UCD School of Information and Library Studies, Ojax++ enables researchers to use popular online tools, such as GoogleDocs, Delicious, blogging tools and Twitter, as well more research-specific Web 2.0 tools. Ojax++ then
aggregates the data from those applications so that, regardless of which web applications researchers use to conduct their research, they can organise their work and collaborate on that work in one place, using Ojax++. The tool has been made freely available to the e-research community.Further details can be found at the OJAX++ project website at

Dr Judith Wusteman
UCD School of Information and Library Studies
University College Dublin
Dublin 4
Tel: +353 1 716 7612
Fax: +353 1 716 1161

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